Is it time for an old crown to be replaced? Ask Dr. Crisafulli!
Dental crowns are used to restore the health and vitality of damaged teeth. However, at Crisafulli Dental in Bothell, Dental crowns are taken to a whole new level in terms of comfort, function, and appearance. Our crowns are so beautiful, patients often find it hard to decipher a natural tooth from a crown!
Crowns Restore Strength and Beauty
Crowns are used to repair a tooth that has been damaged by decay, is at risk of breaking, or as a cap after root canal therapy. They can also be used as the replacement tooth in a dental implant or bridge treatment plan. In all cases, the purpose of dental crowns is to reduce the risk of fracture and permanent tooth loss, as well as improving function and esthetics of a damaged or missing tooth.
Crowns are created using all ceramic porcelain or a combination of porcelain and metal. Porcelain is an excellent material because it perfectly mimics the translucence and luster of natural teeth.
The Crown Placement Process
Treatment usually begins with an assessment of the tooth that needs to be covered. An impression is then taken and sent to our lab. Once the permanent crown is complete, it will be carefully fitted and bonded to the tooth for optimum comfort and durability.
At Crisafulli Dental, we go above and beyond for every crown in our Bothell office. Why? Because it’s important to us you love your smile! For your family’s oral health needs, schedule your visit with Dr. Crisafulli and our wonderful team.
Have a question? We’d be happy to answer it for you or put you in touch with your dentist for a consultation.
Crowns are among the most common dental procedures and are a tried and true way of restoring tooth function after tooth decay treatment, root canals and as the final step after placing an implant.
Crisafulli Dental offers a wide range of dental services including Tooth Crown In Bothell WA for the Seattle and Woodinville, WA, areas.
Download Your Crowns & Bridges Report
Dental crowns and bridges repair damaged or missing teeth. Download your FREE report on the advantages of dental crowns and bridges, if they are right for you.
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